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Due to the overwhelming interest, the applications are closed for now. Please subscribe to our newsletter below to be notified in case we re-open the call, and to follow our other initiatives. Also, you are invited to join our LinkedIn group and connect with other social innovation enthusiasts.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
All opinions, quotes or information expressed by the authors at The Social Innovation Academy are their own, and neither the Social Innovation Academy, nor Limitless sarl can be in any way held responsible for these views or any consequences thereof.

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Social Innovation Academy: kicking off project 2.0

Social Innovation Academy 2.0 aims to deliver higher impact by harnessing the power of co-creation and leveraging the global social innovation expertise

European Social Innovation Competition 2024 open for applications

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An inspiring social innovation dialogue

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Do you have an idea that could make a positive social impact? Don’t miss out the Social Innovation Tournament 2020!

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Social Innovation Academy event in Slovenia attracted inspiring speakers

Social Innovation Academy event in Ljubljana attracted inspiring speakers. Participants presented their social innovations along with other exciting news!

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European Urban Initiative first Innovative Actions Call

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