

The Relationship Between Social Impact and Sustainable Tourism: Insights from the Founder of Rooted

The tourism industry accounts for approximately 10 percent of the world’s workforce, and the ripple effects felt by other industries are profound. Tourism can be an incredible force for good but implemented improperly, it can also do a lot of damage. One of the most...

Scaling up social innovation in Africa: interview with SINA’s Etienne Salborn

In this video Etienne Salborn from Ugandan SINA talks about scaling up social innovation.  Would you like to learn more from other inspiring social innovators?   Check out the  Social Innovation Academy  – the first fully online management training programme...

Get inspired with a social innovation to tackle colour blindness: insights from ColorADD’s creator, Miguel Neiva

Learn more about the Story of “ColorADD – Color is for all” and get inspirational insights, by its creator, Miguel Neiva.

Disruptive design: catalyst of social change

Interview with Cristina Yoshida and Diego del Moral, co-founders of Collective of Disruptive Design.At the intersection of systems thinking and design thinking, Collective of Disruptive Design (Colectivo de Diseño Disruptivo in Spanish) seeks out collaborative...

Linking Belonging and Social Innovation

Vanessa Mason is the founder of The Future of Belonging Project, which examines how we can redesign tools and remodel approaches to fulfill the basic human need for belonging. She is also research director at the Institute for the Future. Her future research explores...

Youth and social entrepreneurship in Mexico Interview with Jorge Meléndez and Cecilia Cárdenas, co-founders of Emprendimiento Social México (ESMEX)

Social entrepreneurship in Mexico, as elsewhere, has become a source of innovative solutions to most pressing problems our society. These solutions have been created by social entrepreneurs, and have led to new ways of citizen participation, new business models with...

Increasing the Visibility of Community Participation Opportunities through Open Badges

Lessons learned from exploring digital social innovation through Open Badges to enable greater visibility of community participation opportunities.

Recycle Up! Ghana: youth entrepreneurial education for sustainable waste solutions

Interview with Alhassan Baba Muniru, Co-founder of Recycle Up! Ghana  Recycle Up! Ghana is a social enterprise focused on youth entrepreneurial education and the co-creation of solutions to waste in Ghana; one of the biggest challenges in the country. This social...

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