
We Did It Again

Whether you prefer Metallica’s or Britney Spear’s take on this phrase, feel free to start humming: after the first two years of the project, almost 5,000 users from 187 countries, 80+ project partners and organisational supporters, 50 co-creators, and an unsatisfied appetite for more, we have some great news to share.

We have won the European Commission’s financing to make the Social Innovation Academy even more global and truly co-creative, starting this September. We are proud that our proposal has scored 94 out of 100 points and was ranked as number 1 in the evaluation by external expert reviewers. 

New Partners

The new project to run in 2019-2021 will feature two new partners that will surely make us step up the game:

Impact Hub (both global and the Budapest hub) – one of the world’s largest networks focused on building entrepreneurial communities for impact at scale and home to the 17,000+ innovators, dreamers and entrepreneurs;
Sinnergiak Social Innovation – one of the leading social innovation centres in Europe, promoted by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) within the EUSKAMPUS – Campus of International Science Strategy.
Besides, we will continue our work with We4You, a Slovenian NGO and the energetic team behind Global Disruption.
New Innovative Scope
  • This time, we will go even more global. While the first two years of the Academy have mostly focused on Europe, the follow-up project will allow us to go much more global. 
  • Secondly, our aim is to co-create the new inspiring content with you. A call for contributors will follow soon, so stay tuned!
  • Also, we will complement the fully online curriculum with an optional offline introductory course.
  • Finally, look out for new multimedia content from videos to podcasts.
More news about the project will follow soon, for now, we just wanted to say THANK YOU for your support and being there with us from the beginning.
Join Us on This Amazing Journey

Stay in the social innovation loop and  subscribe to our newsletter,  become one of  our official Friends, apply to become a member of our  Global Advisory Board  (to be extended in the coming two years)and follow us on social media (LinkedIn,  Twitter  and  Facebook). We welcome all requests for collaboration  here.

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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